Many years of experience and knowledge are in your hands now

Educational courses Rich,Heavy,Wide,Online Supported by a certificate from the Arab American Academy


Smile Design Course

One day, 8 hours of training

For registration and details, please contact us
  • Details on WhatsApp
ابدأ الدورة

Exocad Course (Advanced)

Two days, 16 hours of training

For registration and details, please contact us
  • Digital implant workflow
  • Hybrid Abutment
  • All on X
  • Bar
  • Torinto Bridge (thimple case)
  • Free forming countering
  • Model creator advanced for complex All on X
  • Tips & Tricks Advanced
ابدأ الدورة

Exocad Course (Advanced)

Two days, 16 hours of training

For registration and details, please contact us
  • Digital implant workflow
  • Hybrid Abutment
  • All on X
  • Creative Layouts
  • Free Support
ابدأ الدورة

Exocad Course (intermediate)

Two days, 16 hours of training

For registration and details, please contact us
  • Bite Splints and Articulator
  • Adjusting the Bite
  • Eggshell provisionals
  • Crown lengthining guide
  • Digital wax-up using smile creator
  • Veneers
  • Tips & Tricks
ابدأ الدورة

Exocad Course (beginner)

Two days, 16 hours of training

For registration and details, please contact us
  • Introduction exocad
  • Tool introducing
  • Copings Offset
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Crowns Anterior
  • Bridge Contour-Full
  • Copings and Partially Reduced Frameworks Layering Porcelain
  • Fundamentals Creator Model
  • Tips and Tricks Fundamentals
ابدأ الدورة

The American Arab Dental Academy is the first portal that any aspiring dentist should look at when looking to determine the quality of his future

Dr. Tareq Tinawi

AAAD Member

Tel: +1-502-255-2300


Address: 6500 Six Mile Ln #1, Louisville, KY 40218, USA

All rights reserved to the American Arab Academy of Dentistry 2024

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